Love Your Mat


Love Your Mat


Reiki Infused blend. Attuned to the 1st Muladhara, 2nd Svadisthana & All Heart Chakras

This joyful mix of light flowery, citrusy essential oils open heart and melt you into a blissful state on your mat or in your daily activities. Jasmine E.O. blend with a Crystal Elixir of Rose Quartz.

Our EO blend in this formula acts as a mood elevator and a stress buster. Remedies depression and anxiety, increases alertness and is a natural aphrodisiac. It has a lovely, dreamy scent.

Jasmine EO blend is stimulating, relaxing & balancing at the same time. It is an anti-fungal, natural astringent for the skin. It is anti-inflammatory and an efficient deodorizer. It helps to relieve muscle aches and pains. Clears energetical blockages, increases communication and provides clarity. It enhances psychic abilities and is known to turn bad luck into good luck.

Rose Quartz crystal elixir stimulates a sense of love & joy.

The bottle includes a small piece of the crystal inside the bottle. Place under the light of the New or Full Moon to keep the elixir energy charged & strong. See "Our Crystals" for benefits.

Available online or as part of a mixed case / full case order and at The Yoga Mat in Denver, CO

2oz glass bottle, concentrated formula

Please note: By purchasing this product you are waiving any and all liability against Sacred Space, et al…

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